Western Civilization

In an essay of approximately 550 words (double-spaced, 12-pt font) respond to the questions below. Provide details about what Columbus

wrote, thought, and did. Give your opinion on the basis of the evidence.

Closely examine the mural by Mexican painter Diego Rivera entitled Indian Warrior. Enlarge it on your screen:


In your own words (do not quote from the caption) describe what is happening in this painting. What did Columbus do that might have led

the Warrior to the action shown in the scene? Make sure to quote from and refer to Koning’s book in detail (and from Hunt as well) to

support your answers (giving author and page in parenthesis). Should Columbus Day be celebrated?


Hans Koning, Columbus: His Enterprise

Making of the West, Volume I: To 1750: Peoples and Cultures Fourth Edition Edition, PAGES 452-459

Diego Rivera mural: Indian Warrior (http://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/2011/rivera/mobile/mural_details/indian_warrior.html)