The breakdown of Knowledge and Understanding (KU) and Evaluation (EV) marks are indicated beside each question.

The breakdown of Knowledge and Understanding (KU) and Evaluation (EV) marks are indicated beside each question.
SECTION A Attempt ALL questions. You should spend approximately 30 minutes on this part of the paper. 1. Identify one sensory test. 2. Give one food source of vitamin C. 3. Name one condition needed for bacterial growth. 4. State one source of non starch polysaccharides (NSP). 5. Give one property of linen. 6. What does the abbreviation APR stand for? 7. Explain the term “cruelty free”. 8. Name one statutory label found on furniture. 9. Give two practical ways to reduce fat in the diet. 10. Identify two advantages of breastfeeding. 11. State two practical ways to manage debt. 12. Identify two responsibilities of the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). 13. Give two advantages of Fair Trade foods. 14. Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of online banking. Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 (20)


Page two

SECTION B Attempt THREE questions from this section: Question 1 and any other TWO questions. You should spend approximately 30 minutes on each question. 1. (a) Identify and explain three functions of the family. (b) Evaluate how each of the following could affect a family. (i) Divorce (ii) Death of a family member 4 EV 2 KU Marks 6 KU

(c) Explain the role of the Samaritans. (d) Explain how each of the following may influence food choice of school pupils. (i) Peer pressure (ii) Advertising (iii) Education (iv) Culture/religion

4 KU

(e) Evaluate each of the following methods of payment. (i) Cash (ii) Credit Card 4 EV (20)

[Turn over


Page three

Marks 2. (a) The table opposite shows a day’s nutrient content of meals eaten by a 5 year old girl. Using your knowledge of nutrition and the information provided, evaluate the suitability of this day’s nutritional intake. (b) Identify and explain three factors that may cause dental caries. (c) Evaluate the use of preservatives in food. (d) Explain the use of breathable membranes for outdoor wear. (e) Explain the benefits of each of the following labels to the consumer. (i) Lion Mark (ii) Recycling (iii) Vegetarian 3 KU (20) 5 EV 6 KU 3 EV 3 KU


Page four

2. (continued)

Nutrient content of a day’s meals eaten by a 5 year old girl Energy (MJ) 5·9 (kcal) 1409 Protein (g) Vitamin B1 (mg) Vitamin A (µg) Iron (mg) Sodium (mg)






Reference Nutrient Intake for Selected Nutrients in the UK (per day) for girls aged 4–6 years Protein (g) 19·7 Vitamin B1 (mg) 0·7 Vitamin A (µg) 500 Iron (mg) 6·1 Sodium (mg) 700

Estimated Average Requirement for Energy in the UK (per day) for girls aged 4–6 years MJ 6·46 kcal 1545

[Turn over


Page five

Marks 3. (a) Identify and explain three stages in the development of sportswear. (b) The star profile below shows the results of testing a fabric for sportswear. Evaluate the suitability of the fabric for sportswear. Colour fastness 5 4 Elasticity 3 2 1 0 Crease resistance 6 KU

Ease of care


4 EV

(c) Explain how each of the following statutory services can support a family. (i) Education (ii) National Health Service (NHS) 4 KU 3 KU 3 EV (20)

(d) Explain three ways the consumer is protected by the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumer Regulations 2002. (e) Evaluate the use of organic foods to the consumer.


Page six

4. (a) Identify and explain two factors other than diet that may affect health. (b) Evaluate the following meal in relation to four different Scottish Dietary Targets. • • • Cheese and tomato pizza Spicy potato wedges Strawberry ice cream

Marks 4 KU

4 EV

(c) Evaluate each of the following community services for the elderly. (i) Meals on Wheels (ii) Day care centres 4 EV 4 KU

(d) Identify and explain two adaptations that can be made in the home to accommodate a disabled family member. (e) Explain the role of each of the following. (i) Environmental Health Officer (EHO) (ii) Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

4 KU (20)