At Mohammed?s Company staff are our most valuable asset and we aim to provide a work place that maintains and improves their health and wellbeing. It is the responsibility of Mohammed?s Company to minimise the risk of injury to employees and other persons, by implementing a planned and systematic approach to the management of Work Health and Safety.
This is achieved through the development of a Work Health and Safety System which aims to:
Ensure compliance with all relevant OHS&W laws, regulations, standards and other mandatory codes.
Establish measurable objectives and targets to enable the successful implementation and continuous improvement of the OHS&W system.
Provide up to date OHS&W training, specialist advice, information, instruction and supervision as may be necessary to personal at all levels.
Ensure adequate measures are implemented to provide a safe environment that protects the health and wellbeing of all employees, contractors, clients and visitors when operating within Mohammed?s Company workplace.
Actively promote OHS&W within the business.
Consider OHS&W in the designs we undertake.
Ensure consultation at all levels of the business on the OHS&W issues.
Ensure appropriate injury management practices are implemented to support and 
assist the return to work of employees who have been injured in the workplace.
All persons who work for Mohammed?s Company have responsibilities for observing OHS&W requirements and to take care to protect their own health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health and safety of any other person. 
In meeting these aims, Mohammed?s Company will achieve a performance which will sustain the long-term success of the business. 
The Project Manager of Mohammed?s Company is responsible for the review and implementation of this Policy through the Company?s management systems and all employees are responsible for implementation of this Policy in their day to day work.