State of Arizona’s compensation policies

State of Arizona’s compensation policies

Paper instructions:
Question 2??

Look at the State of Arizona’s compensation policies. In addition to salary scales, you should scan the advisory recommendations, the compensation guidelines, and the one-page summary of 2014 compensation strategies. (A) Does Arizona seem to have a coherent idea of its pay philosophy? Discuss and provide examples. (B) Discuss the types of compensations factors it allows and the State’s management of individual allocation policies, e.g., types of seniority pay, merit, etc.

Question 3??

Go to the State of Arizona website and review their benefits. Which ones from the text are covered and which are not according to the WELCOME website for Human resources? Note that the Employee Handbook is listed on the Welcome website and will be an important source of for “family-friendly” policies. For this exercise, <strong>no</strong>discussion of pension benefits are required. While deep analysis is not required, please make an observation about comprehensiveness and website clarity of the benefits.

Question 4

Go to the State of Arizona website and analyze their training programs based on a review of the website. What observations and insights can you share from your review?

Question 5??
Find the appraisal system and form that is used by the State of Arizona. How sound is the underlying theory? How good is the form? Provide both positive and negative analysis of their performance appraisal for state employees.

Question 6

Unions can engage in collective bargaining, where allowed to, and can represent individuals when their rights may be jeopardized by individual supervisors or management policies. Union membership and union power has been declining as right-to-work states have proliferated. Arizona recently enacted new personnel laws which weaken traditional rights for state government employees. Scan the new rules and provide an essay on the essential changes in employee rights under the law that just became effective. In analytic language, what do these changes mean and how do they connect (or not) with trends nationally and internationally?