Reflective Log

Reflective Log

Reflective Log (1000 words) to consider the learning outcomes and skills development opportunities presented by the project. To consider the additional skills now developed and how this has impacted upon potential employability skills and how and where such opportunities were missed.

What reading did you do about the academic methods applied in this project? References will be expected on relevant methods taught in semester one or two of this unit, or from other relevant units of your degree, that you applied in your work project.
• How useful did you find the academic methods? What was applicable, and what not? Critique is expected.
• How did you approach the task? How did you structure the work? Was this the right approach or could you do it better?
• What decisions did you make about accepting or rejecting information and why?
• How would you tackle this better/differently the next time, i.e. how would you revise your evaluation of materials in the light of what you have learned?
• What did you find out that surprised you or challenged your preconceptions?
• What did you fail to discover, and how would you tackle this in the future?
• Did you find the group dynamics as you imagined they would be at the start of the project?
• In what way were you resource or time constrained?
• What more could be done to fully research this area?
• What have you learned about yourself? Will this affect what career you chose?
• What do you plan to do in the next 12 months as first steps towards this career?



– A critical debate on value and the client (1000 words), from the perspective of the actual client organization and how this has fitted with value measurement tools and techniques discussed in the Value elements of the Unit. As a minimum it would be expected to include a demonstration of understanding of financial value measurement tools and techniques, social and environmental definitions and techniques.