Reflective Diary about teaching sessions and experiences
Paper instructions:
The reflective diary is designed to help you gain the most from the module by encouraging you to reflect throughout on your learning during the module.
You should hand in your diary in a loose-leaf folder with typing on only one side of the paper. You should use A4 paper and type your work using one and a half or double spacing, write in UK English.
You should use the first person “I” voice, as it is a record of your thoughts and reflections.
As with any piece of academic work, any references you make to literature and research within the journal should be fully referenced in a bibliography or reference list at the end of the diary. You should use an appropriate academic format for referencing (Harvard referencing system or equivalent academic format).
Beyond the above instructions for the presentation and format of your work, which you must adhere to, you can make a choice as to how you actually structure and present the work. Please do not spend too much time on the appearance or image of the work, i.e. do not spend a lot of time including pictures, for example. This is not the main aim of the exercise but of course your work must be checked carefully for errors and in that sense presentation is important.
The content should be a combination of the following:
1. Your reflections on the reading/research that we have covered on the module and on the concepts and ideas we have introduced and discussed in teaching sessions. For example, how accessible do you find the ideas and concepts?, how useful do you find them or imagine them to be in the future?, how interesting do you find them? The objective of the exercise is to be honest and so you should feel free to write constructively about aspects of the module that you have found especially relevant, disliked, found difficult, or at the very least, have found not helpful to you at this time. It is unlikely that anyone will find all of the aspects of the module straightforward or appealing, as the module aims to challenge you.
2. Your reflections on how the reading, concepts and ideas presented in the module, and any extra reading you have done, connect with, and illuminate, your own personal experiences or observations. These can be both past and present experiences and can be about any organisational experiences, not necessarily work experiences, but also experiences in educational, recreational, or charitable organisations, for example.
You may make the exploration of these experiences or observations as personal as you wish but you should not include any information you feel uncomfortable about, or that you feel is too “personal” to you. You may find something to have been very valuable learning but feel you would rather not include it. You can, for example, describe interactions between other people that you have observed rather than relating concepts to yourself. You can also change the details and names as appropriate to maintain confidentiality. Of course, if you want to use the diary to think through personal experiences, you are also able to do this. You should feel assured that the diary is confidential and will only be read by the markers for the module. The external examiner for the module will also look at a sample of diaries
1. Your reflections on your overall learning and experiences on the module, for example, what have you learned from the module about your own styles and preferences for learning?
To achieve the above, we request that you discuss material related to FOUR of the teaching sessions on the module and also include an overview/conclusion about your experiences of the module as a whole. You should also include a brief introduction which outlines your structure and specifies which FOUR topics you have chosen to structure your diary around.
Personal experience: I am French, moved to England to go to University, I had many opportunities to work in team at University with people from many nationalities.
Professional experience: Worked a summer in a call-centre for a French insurance company
You should use an extensive reference list and many in-text references too
It should refer to the materials attached (I CAN ONLY UPLOAD DOC FOR WEEK 2, I will send you the other part on an email address or file server :
Week 2 : Culture Shock and Cultural Adjustment and the Importance of Cultural Differences
Week 3 : Research contributions from Hofstede
Week 7: Team and cultural differences
Week 10: Leadership
You must link the reflection to my cultural background and experiences:
Personal experience: I am French, moved to England to study in a multicultural university. I had many opportunities to work in team at university with people from many nationalities.
Professional experience: Worked a summer in a call-centre for a French insurance company
Book list:
MAIN: French, R. (2010) (2nd ed) ‘Cross Cultural Management in Work Organisations’ CIPD London.
Adler, N.J. (2007) (5th Edition)( International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, PWS Kent Publishing Company: California.
Branine, M. (2011) Managing Across Cultures – Concepts, Policies and Practices, SAGE Publications Ltd.: London.
Budhwar, P.S. and D.Y. (eds) (2001) HRM in Developing Countries, Routledge: London.
Evans, P., Y. Doz and A. Laurent (1989) Human Resource Management in International Firms: Change, Globalization, Innovation, Macmillan Press: Basingstoke.
Gannon, M. and K.L. Newman (eds) (2001) Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management, Blackwell: Oxford.
Gannon, M.J. (2010)(4th ed) Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys Through Twenty-Three Nations, Sage Publications: London.
Hall, E. (1976) Beyond Culture, Doubleday: New York.
Hall, E.T. (1990) Understanding Cultural Differences : Intercultural Press.
Hickson, D. (1997) (ed) Management in Western Europe: Society, Culture and Organisation in Twelve Nations, Penguin Press: London.
Hickson, D. J. and D.S. Pugh (2001) (2nd ed) Management Worldwide: The Impact of Societal Culture on Organizations around the Globe, Penguin Press: London.
Hofstede, G. (2005) Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, McGraw Hill: New York.
Hofstede, G. (2005) (2nd ed) Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, Sage: London.
Kim,Y. and W.B. Gudykunst, (1988) Theories in Intercultural Communication, Sage: Newbury Park CA.
Kluckhohn, F. And Strodtbeck, F.L. (1961) Variations in Value Orientations, Evanston II: Peterson.
Laurent, A. (1983) ‘The Cultural Diversity of Western Concepts of Management, International Studies of Management and Organization, 13 (1-2), 75-96.
Lewis, R.D. (2006) When Cultures Collide: Managing successfully across Cultures, Nicolas Brealey Publishing.
Mead, R. And Andrews, T.G. (2009) (4th ed) International Management Culture and Beyond,John Wiley Publishers: Chichester.
Melkman,A. and J.Trotman (2005) Training International Managers, Gower Publishing Ltd.
Oberg, K. (1960) ‘Culture shock: adjustment to a new cultural environment’ Practical Anthropology, Vol 7. Pp 177 – 82.
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (2008) (12th ed) Intercultural Communicataion Wadsworth: Belmon, California.
Schneider, S.C. and J.L. Barsoux (2003) (2nd ed) Managing Across Cultures, Prentic Hall: London.
Thomas, D.C. (2008) (2nd ed) Cross-Cultural Management – Essential Concepts, SAGE Publications Ltd.: London.
Tayeb, M. (2003) International Management: Theories and Practices, Pearson Education Ltd: Harlow.
Triandis, H.C. (1994) Culture and Social Behaviour, McGraw-Hill: New York.
Trompenaars, F. and Hampden-Turner, C. (1997) Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business, Nicholas Brealey Publishing: London.
Trompenaars, F. And Hampden-Turner, C. (2004) Managing people Across Cultures Capstone Publishers: Oxford.
The International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Harvard Business Review
Organisation Studies
Theory, Culture and Society
Management Today,
Human Relations
Academy of Management Journal