Project Management – a Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling – 11th edition, by Harold Kerzner, Ph. D. Published by Wiley
1. Consider a project in which all project planning is performed by a group. After all planning is completed, including the program plan and scheduling, a project manager is selected to lead the project. Is there anything wrong with this arrangement? Can it work?
2. Please explain the differences between time-phased work breakdown structures, department-phased work breakdown structures, and division-phased work breakdown structures, and discuss whether or not a combination of these strategies could be useful on a project.
3. What is a critical path? How are critical paths determined, and what are they good for?
4. What are the major difficulties with PERT, and how can they be overcome?
5. Should clients have the right to dictate to contractors how the schedule for a project should be prepared and presented? What if this request contradicts company policies and procedures?
6. Should a different set of schedules and charts be maintained for in-house as well as out-of-house reporting? Should separate schedules be made for each level of management? What are the positives and negatives of these situations?
7. Two contractors decide to enter into a joint venture, working together on a project. What difficulties can occur if the contractors have decided on who does what work, but changes may take place if problems occur? What happens if one contractor has higher salary levels and overhead rates than the other?
8. How can upper-level management use the functional cost and hour summary to determine manpower planning for the entire company? How would you expect management to react if the functional cost and hour summary indicated a shortage or an abundance of trained personnel?