oil field technician as a Preservation Manager
An oil company hired an oil field technician as a Preservation Manager – Worldwide
(PMW) through a job agency (Agency 1) The oil industry usually relies on job agencies ‘O
Drovide skilled contractors to work on large projects in isolated andlor remote deslInallon3-
Sometimes a contract worker is hired through a chain ct agencies, causing the employer 10
be at one end of the chain and the contract worker at the other.
Agency 1 was well~known for providing employees and labor contractors who could work
in the oil and gas industry. and the PMW was well qualified for the position.Once hired, he
asked for four additional staff. These four staff members were known to the PMW through
another job agency (Agency 2). They were hired on his recommendation and their
contracts were routed through Agency 1, same as the PMW. They were hired without the
normal background checks because they were known to the PMW.
The team did maintenance work at the sites and was tasked with continuous performance
of maintenance activities. They worked long hours, traveling throughout Europe and Asia.
as evidenced by time sheets approved by the PMW. The excessive number of hours
charged on paper triggered a review by the internal auditors of Agency 2.
During the review. the internal auditors found the HR files did not include appropriate
iderrllticaticn documents of the four additional stafl. When they requested passport copies
-tor identification. all four resigned. Soon thereafter. the PMW quit as well.
Atull-scale investigation by the oil company revealed three out of the four additional hires
did not exist. The PMW had created fake resumes and forged signatures on contracts.
timesheets, and resignation letters. The fourth was related to the PMW and had worked
with him to compensate for the three phantom employees.
Flaws in the system revealed no segregation of duties between the hirtngandttirnesheet
approval processes. Human Resources did not follow a rigid and was mg
systematic in collecting and storing identification
paid through the chain of job agencies and directly
managed by the PMW.
1.1 ‘E52133 a use 0 t different accountinc ‘9°°’d
1.2 Assess the bmWnTm7mg of th tundame 00″” ‘S
1 3 Evaluate thdl factors! which influence the nature and structure of accounting systems
Assessment criteria 2.1. 2.2 & 2.3
2.1 Identify the different components of business risk
2.2 Anarysetheoontrolsystemsiruplaceinabusiness
2.3 Evaluate the risk orrrauuwmn a fotrdehdfim