Nutrition case study

Nutrition case study

Assessment Details

The following should be included in your assessment of the client:

1. Dietary assessment – evaluate dietary intake, likely nutritional status and dietary needs according to:
24 hr recall food diary
Anthropometric measures such as BMI, calculation of energy needs, etc.
Dietary analysis software (optional)

Evaluate the balance of food components and nutrients in the client’s diet and their appropriateness to the individual’s needs according to their sex, age and lifestyle
Method of calculating: You may use food tables, equations, and/or nutritional software if wished, to make your evaluation. It is also suggested that you incorporate Anthropometric measurements – e.g. of weight, height, , BMI, waist/hip ratio, body fat as shown in class.

Introduction – Write a paragraph about the person you are assessing; age, occupation, medical history if relevant, dietary habits, patterns of eating, any special diets, any supplements/medication being taken, etc. Ensure that all information is anonymised.
Method of assessment – Briefly summarise the methods of assessment that you have chosen to use, stating why these chosen methods were appropriate, any adaptations you had to make, any difficulties you encountered, etc. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of nutrition standards and guidelines.
Results – summarise your evaluation of the client’s diet and nutritional status using headed summary tables, graphs, etc., of food components, dietary balance, etc., with a sentence or two for each describing what is shown. Only include numbered and labelled summary tables – raw data /analyses should be included in the Appendices.
Analysis – Analyse the results shown in the previous section e.g. evaluate the BMI, the balance of food components, how the client’s nutrient status compares to recommended DRV’s etc. Critically analyse and apply relevant research evidence linking health issues to diet and lifestyle.
Recommendations –On the basis of your results and analysis formulate some appropriate, safe and effective dietary and lifestyle recommendations for the client. Give a rationale for your recommendations and make reference to the evidence base. Take the person’s lifestyle into account and include cooking advice as appropriate. Make mention of any relevant food safety, hygiene or ethical issues. Demonstrate sensitivity and skill in encouraging patients to explore and implement health-promoting dietary and lifestyle practices.
Conclusion and reflection – Reflect on and outline the key learning that you have gained from this assignment and how you may apply what you have learnt in this module about nutrition and diet in your own clinical practice.
References – Using Harvard referencing (see University guidelines), cite the references used in this assignment.