Lifecycle of a services user.

Lifecycle of a services user.

case study

1. QUESTION: Provide a detailed explanation of one stage of the lifecycle of a services user.
2. QUESTION: Identification of the influences on the individual’s development and behaviour using one psychology perspective.


3. Question: Identification of the family structure and the influences of the family using one sociological perspective.

4. QUESTION: Assessment of needs using SPECC or PIES and produce and include an effective care plan
outline one aspect of the care plan which will be subject to an appropriate method or model of practice


6. Methods of practice
Identify and explain appropriate methods or models of practice, relevant to the work context.

Demonstrate how these were applied appropriately and effectively within the workplace.




Evaluate the following aspects of assessment, care planning and intervention: the extent to which the objectives were achieved

your role as a worker
the chosen method of intervention and model of practice
Completing a full assessment of client need using SPECC
Chosing a Method of Intervention and a Model of Pratice and linking this to one element of her care plan
Undertaking an Evauation of your work…as detailed in the question (parts have bee addressed but you have simply ignored the issues of Method/Model, etc.









This paper will enormously examine how the social care values, and principles influence practice, it will use a case study to analyze care plan assessment aspects in the actual practice.
The Lornebank home is an effective care setting that ensures every individual with dementia have ample opportunity for active engagement in aspects of their health and social care, which further enhance their capacity to either refuse or give informed consent. The home is characterized by ensuring every individual with dementia or ill health is in a position to access self-directed support in a bid to give them greater control over the type of care and support they can receive. In the case of Tom an individual dealing alongside individual with dementia or ill health, my role as a care worker would be to carry out an accurate assessment of the resident in a bid to put in place an effective intervention plan (Garvey, 2008, p. 30-31).

In order to understand the influence’s psychology have on individual behaviour and development, According to Maslow’s hierarchy, humans motivated in order to fulfil basic needs, before perusing further needs that are more advanced. The five levels include physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self-actualization. In order for the highest level to influence behaviour, the lower levels have to be satisfied first (Akers 2009, p.89). The highest level in the pyramid which is self-actualization represents growth needs, it suggests that human behaviour is not motivated or driven by deficiencies, but rather ones need to become all the possible things he is capable of becoming, and an individual’s desire for personal growth. This state characterized by individuals who lack artificiality, admit their own nature and selves, perceive reality in a better way, focus on problems outside their jurisdiction.
However, the theory explains its understanding of human behaviour as follows; the four lower levels are regarded as deficiency needs, in the sense that they lack satisfaction. Psychological needs found in the lower hierarchy levels includes food, water and air. When humans do not meet these needs, they cause deficiency, which in turn motivates people to meet these needs. Concisely, when human fail to meet these needs, they change their behaviour in that they are weak at meet their needs (Fiore 2013, p.57 ).
Family structure refers to a family support system that involves two married couples, providing stability and care for their offspring. Families are the smallest unit in a society, and a collection of these small units forms a community that is influential in a way . Meaning a social consensus whereby members agree to work together for the better good of the society depends on the organization of the society (Bootzin et al 1983, p. 295). For the social learning theory, children surround themselves with models of influential nature, such as parents and friends within a peer grouping. The models pay a lot of attention to some models and encode their behaviour; this affects shift to people around the child who might respond to the behaviour of the child through either punishment or reinforcement (Fiore 2013, p. 47). .
The aims and objectives of care planning for individuals with dementia or ill health in Lornebank home are in effect . The care plan is characterized by ensuring that individuals with such situation are provided with the requisite information since this is the key towards a comprehensive planning and delivery of both health and social care. Moreover, these individuals and their families are placed in a position to access self directed support. It is a kind of effective care setting that, make sure every individual receives high levels of dignity and respect coupled with an active promotion of their human rights within the context of the services that are delivered to them. The home ensures that every individual are actively involved in community life by ensuring that they are able to both achieve and maintain their standard. In addition, the home make sure that individuals dealing with health challenges are able to effectively access a comprehensive range of health services that will ensure the promotion of their positive health and well bein g (Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, 2011, pp. 4-12).
The process of assessment and care planning for individuals with dementia in the home is vital. The Lornebank home care plan is critical for individuals dealing with dementia, which begins with the active identification of interventions as well as expected outcomes that the resident should achieve by the end of the care plan. A sample of a care plan is found in appendix 1.0. This is followed by a critical assessment of the medical conditions of the individual with a psychiatrist and an analysis of the resident’s ability to carry out daily activities. This is essential as it will determine the extent to which the care plan can include community support. The care plan will be discussed between the individual and the primary caregiver to discuss the time in which it would be appropriate to place the resident with both family members and a social worker. The care home also makes sure that constant monitoring and observations are made on the resident by the nursing staff to ensure that the resident’s progress is noted. The care plan for these individuals are supported by routine visits to a consultant psychiatrist who will then carry out a review of the resident (Roy, 2000, p. 385).
Effective care and the elimination of inequalities in the provision of health care to individuals with dementia or ill health can only be done once the caregivers are equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills. Aside from effective communication skills which will ensure that they are able to convince individuals with ill health or dementia to go in for annual health checks, they also need to be well versed in the law which will prove useful in enabling them to provide individuals with ill health the requisite information to enable them make correct and informed consent. Moreover, caregivers for these individuals need to be able to put in place measures to ensure that procedures for complaints are not only quicker but also more efficiently (Learning Disabilities Observatory, 2012, p. 3).
The active collaboration of the different stakeholders involved in the care process for individuals dealing with dementia or disability is a key towards ensuring that poor outcomes in the delivery of health care and the prevalent risk of abuse that these individuals have to deal with. In addition, closer collaboration between these individuals will ensure better health and increased levels of support for these individuals while at the same time protecting their core human rights(Learning Disabilities Observatory, 2012,p. i).
In the past, approaches to the provision of services did little to clearly demonstrate any issues of discrimination. Considering the key role that social workers play in ensuring the effective provision of care, the care program put in place was characterized by ensuring that questions that could be perceived as sensitive were framed in a manner that encouraged open discussion. In addition, caregivers were taken through training that centered on encouraging equality and diversity which was seen as the key towards ensuring that individuals with dementia or ill health were encouraged to seek care when they needed it without fear of discrimination (Learning Disabilities Observatory, 2012, p. 7).
It is critical for caregivers to ensure that they are in possession of effective communication skills when dealing with individuals faced with dementia since they will need to provide these residents or clients with relevant information. Consider that these patients or residents often have difficulty understanding information and it is therefore crucial to ensure that they receive information on issues such as any health procedures that they might have to undergo and the benefits and drawbacks of these procedures in a manner that they will understand. Effective communication will ensure that the resident’s levels of anxiety are significantly reduced, especially in the instance that the resident is provided with questions that he or she is able to answer (Royal College of Nursing, 2013, p. 14).
Individuals dealing with dementia have been recorded as having poorer health, however, this aspect can be greatly avoided if these health inequalities are reduced initially. Elimination of communication barriers will ensure that carers have a better opportunity to effectively recognize the health needs of this particular group and therefore ensure that individuals with ill health or disabilities are able to access effective health care when they need it the most (Learning Disabilities Observatory, 2012, p. 6).
The elimination of discrimination will be the key focus for the setting up of a care plan in my workplace. This is especially critical since it impacts on the ability of caregivers to provide effective primary care. In this regard, caregivers will be subjected to routine monitoring in order to review the quality of services that they offer. In addition, the elimination of discrimination will include putting in place measures that will enable residents to effectively access requisite information and have extra support. This will ensure that residents dealing with ill health will be able to make factual decisions which they have actively participated in (Learning Disabilities Observatory, 2012).
Effectively dealing with a dementia has been compounded by the fact that this particular dementia is often characterized as difficult to describe it and its causes, which effectively make it harder to put in an effective care plan. It is therefore critical to ensure that a comprehensive evaluation is carried out on the resident. This will ensure that the resident not only has a better understanding of the extent of their dementia, but also has the requisite information on both their rights and the services that are available to aid them. In addition, evaluation will ensure that the primary caregivers are able to put in place measures that will ensure the resident is better understood and supported by the communities in which they live in (Learning Disabilities Observatory, 2012, p. 17-18).
The invention strategy was implemented through ensuring that residents with dementia were taken through an assessment service that sought to ensure the provision of high quality care and was provided with the required support series in line with set out appropriate services. In addition, this intervention plan successfully ensured the setting up of systems that met the full range of needs for these individuals. The intervention also ensured that instances of discrimination and neglect were significantly reduced (Royal College of Nursing, 2013, p. 4).
In putting in place a care plan for individuals with a dementia, it must be characterized by ensuring that these people are actively involved in the making of their own choices with regard to their health and social care needs. In addition, it is important to involve the families and carers are incorporated into the care process. Another key component of the care process for individuals with a dementia is to ensure that they significantly raise their capacity to either refuse or give consent for this is key in ensuring that the individual receives the requisite health care. It is also critical to ensure that individuals with a dementia are in a position to have more control over the type of care they wish to receive.

In the case of Tom , all the above objectives were achieved since with the implementation of a care plan, I was able to bring together the key stakeholders involved in the care process which worked to significantly reduce the anxiety levels of the resident and served to significantly enhance the ability of the resident to make his own choices. It also worked to ensure that the resident and his family were included in the process which made the support network for the resident much wider, thus ensuring that the care process was more effective and successful.
In conclusion, it is clear that people with dementia face a wide range of health inequalities with their health care being characterized by discrimination and varying instances of ignorance. In this regard, it is critical to care for these individuals to be defined by early identification of the needs of these individuals in order to ensure that their quality of life is enhanced. It is therefore essential to make adjustments in order to take into account the individual challenges that every individual suffering from dementia goes through.