Interpretation of Matthew 16:18

Read Matthew 16:13-28 at least three times in a single setting. Then,

1.    Answer the following question (interpret the passage) according to lecture and the textbook (177-277): What is the meaning of Jesus’

statement, “Upon this rock I will build my church” (16:18)?

2.    Carefully determine the most beneficial interpretative determinants and answer the question based on the method as taught in the

lectures and textbook.

3.    The writer must have the following book below to do this interpretation according to the instructions above (pg 177-187).

4.    The assignment must be at least 7 pages and may even need and 8th

Bauer, David R.; Traina, Robert A. (2011-04-01). Inductive Bible Study: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice of Hermeneutics . Baker

Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.