International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management
Each report should review one academic journal article you have read about Culture topic.

This task requires you to prepare a short report reviewing an academic journal article on the topics noted below. The purpose is to develop a critical appreciation of international human resource management theory and research. The focus of the exercise is to develop your understanding of IHRM and an appreciation of the processes of academic knowledge generation by reading and evaluating relevant academic literature. You will learn to critically evaluate academic material by identifying the authors? contribution to knowledge, evaluating that contribution to the discipline of IHRM, and determining how it can be applied to IHRM practices.
By undertaking this assessment task you will develop four sets of skills:
– identifying the subject area and topic of papers to determine the author(s)? contribution to knowledge;
– evaluating the merits of the contribution (e.g. the logic of the arguments, rigour of the research, comparing the merits of the articles against other literature);
– determining the implications of the articles for further development of IHRM practice;
– effectively reading academic articles and communicating your conclusions in a written report.

Each report should be approximately 500 words long and be in the following format:

Subject area of the paper read 150 words
A short summary of the article’s contents. For example: the article reports research that examines the relationship between national culture and performance management. The research was conducted by conducting case studies of 8 companies in 5 countries.

Critical comment on the paper 150 words
Consideration of the merits of the argument presented in the paper, discussion of what the author(s) concluded (e.g. if empirical research – what has been found; if theory building – what has been proposed), generation of criticism or counter-arguments, and so forth.

Implications of the work for IHRM practice 200 words
Identification of at least one HRM practice to which the work could be applied and discussion of how the practice could be adapted in light of the research findings.