Hypnotherapy as a Treatment for Substance Abuse
The addiction symptoms of substance abuse are very difficult to treat. Hypnotherapy helps in the control, thus producing positive effects in individuals ceasing substance abuse, especially with regard to withdrawal symptoms. It decreases withdrawal symptoms, thus reducing the risk of relapse to addiction. It is, however, not as effective as psychotherapy, which yields results that are more positive. Hypnotherapy is a treatment with therapeutic goals and techniques and is used in patients in a hypnotic state. In drug addiction cases, it helps patients to deal with issues of self-esteem, anger, and impulsiveness, and to achieve serenity. These symptoms are usually present during relapse, thus creating negative feelings that may result in individuals returning to substance abuse.
Hypnotherapy helps in raising self-esteem, enhancing serenity and reducing anger and anxiety. However, the effects are improved when it is used as an adjunct to other therapies. Hypnotherapy has recently been used to treat nicotine addiction. In the treatment of addictions, it enhances the use of dream imagery and the patients relate the drug to other things in their lives.
Hypnosis yields positive and negative effects depending on the method of induction. Positive effects results from intense hypnosis, trances and the use of imagery. Negative effects are very rare and are brought about by the patient falling asleep during induction (Wickramasekera, 2009). In this study, I would like to determine what kinds of Hypnotherapy are effective for clients, and what attributes are important to find a method of hypnotherapy that can produce sustained effects for clients.
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