Film Connection Protagonist Juno
I. Introduction
A. general information
1. brief opening sentences to lead reader to focus of essay
2. Title of the Film written in italics
3. author(s) of the original text or screenplay
4. date the film was released
B. thesis statement – claim
1. focus of the essay – What is the BIG idea? Why is the film significant?
II. Body Paragraphs
A. Concise Overview of the Film
1. Brief summary of the CONFLICT within the story
2. protagonist – description of
her physical appearance and mentality
her perspective – motivations, behaviors, treatment toward others
her place in society What does the protagonist want and why?
3. antagonist or antagonistic forces – description of
contrast to protagonist
3. other major characters that support the position of the protagonist
4. setting – where, when, major factors to reveal theme
5. NO plot summary, but a brief explanation of the
crisis ? climax and turning point
B. Theme(s) within the Film Use supporting facts – examples – from the film.
1. message to the viewers
a. reflection of society as a whole
b. reflection of women in society
c. significance of this/these theme(s) – so what?
How is the protagonist blocked from meeting her goals and why?
What does it all mean?
C. Connection to Literary Theories Address only relevant points in the film.
1. Marxist Literary Theory – conflicts based on
a. economic system experienced by protagonist
b. power structure in which protagonist struggles
c. class or socio-economic differences between protagonist and antagonist
d. value placed on material possessions to indicate class level
2. Feminist Literary Theory – conflicts or provocation based on
a. oppression or restriction: social, political, educational, occupational, familial, or relationship
b. stereotypical roles
c. patriarchal dominance
d. sexual objectification
e. personal empowerment
D. Connection to Literature Read In This Class
Refer to specific poems or stories in the text Cite these sources.
1. Comparison or Contrast of pieces of literature already studied in the class
a. ways the film reveals similar elements
b. ways the film exposes opposing elements
III. Conclusion
A. Summary – wrap up of how film encourages or reinforces particular views of women in society
B. Main Idea – What is the BIG idea about the way this film coincides with the literary perspectives of women writers?