Evaluating fire

Evaluating fire

Place your answer after each sub-topic in bold print.

2. Evaluate a fire in which a large number of occupants were rescued:

A. Was the fire attack adequate? (Example, does not apply to this scenario)
The fire flow is calculated as 600 GPM for this area on the pre-incident plan.
One pre-connected 1 ¾” fire line was used which only provides 125 GPM.
The fire was well advanced therefore 600 GPM is needed
The 125 GPM is well below the needed fire flow for this area.
Explain your answer
The objective of assignment questions is to evaluate your level of understanding and/or ability to apply course materials.
Simple “Yes” or “No” answers
do not display your knowledge or understanding
Submit the finished document via E-Mail
print out your answer and mail it.

Review the Kemper Ln. scenario by first reading through the scenario packet and then watching the video of the Multi-Alarm rescue. Answer the following questions related to the rescue operation:
Your answers begin here:

A. Was the fire attack adequate?
(Your answer goes here)

B. Classify the occupancy type, and explain some of the specific problems encountered in this type of occupancy.
(Your answer goes here)

C. Could the incident commander reasonably expect an accurate accounting of building occupants in the first 15 minutes of the operation?
(Your answer goes here)

D. What rescue methods were used (interior stairs, fire escapes, ladders, helicopters, etc.)?
(Your answer goes here)

E. Were the proper rescue options utilized? For example, was the use of portable ladders justified?
(Your answer goes here)

F. How many people would be expected to occupy this building at peak times?
(Your answer goes here)

G. How many people occupied the building at the time of the fire?
(Your answer goes here)

H. How many occupants were rescued or assisted to safety?
(Your answer goes here)

I. Were any occupants found through search and rescue procedures?
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II. Were any victims physically carried or dragged from the fire area?
(Your answer goes here)

I. How large an area, and how many floors were searched?
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J. Were there separate primary and secondary searches?
(Your answer goes here)

• If so, were different teams used for each search?
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K. Where task assignments consistent with the rescue priorities established according to the location of the victims?
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L. Was the search and rescue operation systematic?
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M. Was a marking system used to indicate areas searched?
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N. What effect did ventilation have on the rescue operation?
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O. Was ventilation provided by fire forces adequate and necessary?
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P. Was forcible entry adequate?
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Q. Were ventilation and forcible entry methods reversible?
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R. Were adequate medical resources called to the scene in advance?
(Your answer goes here)

S. Was adequate shelter provided for displaced occupants?
(Your answer goes here)