Diabetes Status using Chi-Square & T-test results ;

Diabetes Status using Chi-Square & T-test results ;

Project instructions:
Using the provided dataset in Excel, calculate the appropriate descriptive statistics for the following variables comparing diabetes with no diabetes status: gender, race, salary, education, height, weight, BMI, allergies, family history diabetes, family history allergies. For chi-square tests, report the chi-square value and the p-value (if p-value < 0.05, then the test is significant). For t-tests, report the t-test value and the p-value. Include a 2-3 page description of the descriptive statistics including tables of the summarized data, similar to a “Results” section in a published manuscript or journal article. Use the following online calculators to obtain the results for this analysis.

Chi-Square for Categorical Data: http://www.vassarstats.net/ (Choose “Frequency Data” from the far left, then “Chi-Square, Cramer’s V, and Lambda” from the middle of the page)

Enter in the number of people in each category (e.g. number of women who have diabetes, number of men with diabetes, etc.). Example of a table below:

Diabetes No Diabetes

Female 86 214

Male 36 264

Choose a 2 x 2 table and where A1 = 86, A2 = 36; B1 = 214; B2 = 264

Report the percent of people in each category and the chi-square and p-value. A possible sentence to interpret the results could be:

There are significantly more women (64%) who have diabetes than men (36%).

T-Tests for Continuous Data: http://www.vassarstats.net/ (Choose “t-Tests & Procedure” from the far left, then “Two-Sample t-Test” then click “Independent Samples” under Setup)

Copy and Paste the values for those with diabetes into Sample A and those without diabetes into Sample B, then click Calculate. For instance, copy and paste all of the ages of those with diabetes into Sample A and all of the ages of those without diabetes into Sample B. From the Data Summary window, report the Mean of those with Diabetes (Sample A) and those without Diabetes (Sample B); also report the “t” from the Results box, as well as the two-tailed p-value. A “P” that is