Describe the influence of Nature/Nurture on children’s holistic development.
Connie, aged 6 years, is in Primary 1. She is enjoying learning new skills and particularly likes her reading book. Her parents are very supportive and they help her with her homework every night. The family has an established routine and the children enjoy activities and spending time with their parents. Craig, her brother who is 4, attends the Nursery Class attached to the Primary school and has made lots of new friends. Craig’s speech was unclear when he started nursery but is improving. (a) Describe Connie’s expected cognitive development between the ages of 5–8 years. (b) (c) Emotional, personal and social development could be affected by the following factors. • Position in family • Parenting style Evaluate the possible positive and negative effects of both these factors on Connie’s emotional, personal and social development. Describe Craig’s linguistic development between 3–5 years.
(d) Evaluate two factors that might impact on Craig’s linguistic development. The following question does not relate to the case study. (e)
Describe the influence of Nature/Nurture on children’s holistic development.
(a) Describe one theory of cognitive development for children aged 0–12 years. 10 KU (b) Evaluate how this theory helps an early years practitioner to support the cognitive development of children. (c) Evaluate one method of observing children including its reliability, in the study of children’s development. (d) Evaluate the validity of one research method when working with children and young people. 6 AE 2 KU 4 AE 3 AE
Question 3 (a) Describe two main points of the World Health Organisation’s definition of Health. (b) Describe one theoretical approach to children’s basic health needs. Read the following scenario and answer the questions which follow. Jasmine (11 years 3 months) and her baby brother Ali who is 4 months old are mainly cared for by their extended family. Caring for Ali takes up a lot of everyone’s time and Jasmine is feeling unhappy. She has started staying out late and is refusing to eat meals with the family. Her weight loss is a concern to her teachers but her Aunt Meena has not taken her to the doctor or replied to messages from the school. (c) Evaluate how Jasmine’s health needs are not being met.
(d) Evaluate the contribution of one statutory and one voluntary agency involved in the promotion of Ali’s holistic health. (e) Evaluate the contribution made by one professional in supporting the health of the family in the scenario.
Question 4 Read the following scenario and answer the questions which follow. Three staff from Cherry Trees After School Care Service are taking a group of ten children (aged 5–8 years) on a trip to the local park. The park is across the road from their building. The children enjoy the range of large play equipment including climbing frames, rope swings and chutes. There is a small duck pond and an area for skateboarding. The park is a popular area for local people to walk their dogs. (a) Describe the gross motor skills expected in children of 5–8 years.
(b) Analyse one activity taking place in the park where three aspects of children’s development can be observed. (c) Evaluate the benefits of outdoor play on children’s holistic health.
(d) Describe the role of staff in accident prevention for this trip. (e) Evaluate the responsibilities of staff if a child becomes unwell at the park