Corporate Governace

Corporate Governace

Question: In recent times, much emphasis has been placed upon companies finding their competitive advantage in a changing market-place. For many, this has meant exploring new opportunities and developing business transactions between various countries. Consequently, companies have faced a web of regulation about contracts, trading practices (e.g. consumer protection, anti-competitive practices), and work-place operations. How does the board of directors ensure that the company complies with the regulatory requirements, meets ethical standards, and retains a competitive edge? What indicators can a board use to maintain oversight in these areas?
Australian companies should be used as the examples ASX principles and all references from the textbook: Tricker B 2012, corporate Governance Principles, Policies and Practices, 2nd addition, Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199607969
Markers requirements;
Note that answers to all or many questions in this examination require two things: principles and their application. Firstly, answers require an analytical knowledge and understanding of principles (that is, they must include analysis and evaluation of those principles and not merely a descriptive knowledge). So you should summarise some of the core ideas from your classes or textbooks in each question, and structure your answer around sections that address each of these core ideas. For example, to answer a question in a paper about alliances, you could structure your answer around the issues of partner selection, alliance structure and managing the alliance. In brief, these principles should be the foundations of your answer. You also need to refer to relevant concepts, jargon words and phrases, and (possibly) models/figures discussed in the textbook and classes, throughout your answers.

Secondly, answers to all or many questions in this examination require examples of the application in your country or region (which can include the country or region where you are studying) of those principles and concepts, jargon and models/figures. In some exam questions in some subjects, the situation of that application is a small specific case study that is described in the question. For example, this type of question in one paper might provide many details of the inventories of bandages in a ward of a hospital. In contrast, in other subjects and/or questions, you are asked to supply your own examples of the application of principles in your own country or region. Each example you provide in your answers can be either a real one or be a relevant combination of several realistic situations. You can use examples that you have read or heard about, or experienced in your own organisation(s). These examples must clearly be applications of the principles, concepts, jargon and models/figures that you have learnt from your classes and/or textbook. That is, your answers should be clearly structured around those principles and refer to those concepts, jargon and models/figures, and not be just stories of examples. Note that the examples of applications must be placed throughout your answer and not just at the end of your answer. Students who do not provide these applications are unlikely to get a Credit or better result for this examination.

In summary, it should be obvious to the examiner that you have learnt lessons from both the principles in your classes and textbook, and from the examples, and that these lessons can be applied in many situations in your country or region that are additional to the example applications themselves.

When you use ideas from the textbook (which we hope you will do), you should refer to the page, figure, table, section or chapter of the textbook, for example, ‘textbook Figure 7.1’. Moreover, you could sometimes say at the beginning of an answer, that the whole answer is based on a particular part of the textbook, for example, ‘This answer is based on Chapter 11 of the textbook.’ Remember that you must place quotations from any source within quotation marks and then refer to the source’s page number, for example, ‘(textbook, page 124)’. That is, any word-for-word copying from any source that is not cited/referenced will result in a zero grade for the answer, because doing that is plagiarism. Answers that are mostly copying or paraphrasing of material from the textbook (that is, without your own analysis and evaluation, and applications) will not be considered by the examiners as adequately fulfilling the requirements of the question and will not receive a pass grade.