Children’s National Medical Center (Emergency Room Department)

Children’s National Medical Center (Emergency Room Department)


Course Project: Healthcare Entity Research Paper

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This page will provide you with some general direction concerning the content, process, and structure of your Course Project ? a research paper involving a healthcare entity in your area.
General Information
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Throughout the session, you will create the components of a research paper, which will be submitted . The paper will involve researching the demographic profile of a specific healthcare entity in your area (for example, where you live), identifying healthcare needs based on that profile, proposing a specific health service to be analyzed based on those needs, and developing a basic budgeting plan for that healthcare entity. You want to concentrate specifically on an essential healthcare department to do your budget planning.
There will be three separate components, which will be submitted, In addition, you will compile all three components, and submit the entire paper, The components are described in more detail below.
Part 1: Demographic Site Analysis
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The demographic site analysis provides a summary of a specific market area. For this paper component, you should choose a specific geographic area (locality, zip code, or census tract) and prepare a demographic profile of the people who live there from data available at or from other demographic resources you may find (maybe from the local Chamber or government sources). This profile should provide specific information, including relevant facts and figures. You are encouraged to include graphs or charts that help describe the demographics of your geographic area (at least one is required). Be sure to cite all of your sources within the text and at the end of the paper in the Reference listing.
Based on this demographic profile, you will analyze what sort of healthcare needs one might anticipate in the geographic area. In other words, what does this demographic profile tell you about the needed healthcare services or products? Are all these needs currently being met? If not, which needs might provide a market opportunity? During this section, you will get a better idea of what healthcare entity to chose in your budget planning and analysis.
The length of the demographic site analysis should be 300 to 600 words. You should cite all sources in APA style, both in-text and at the end of the document. You are required to have at least three sources to support your paper. One of these sources may be one of your course textbooks.
This portion of the Course Project is due . The Course Project components build upon each other and are added to the complete project due
Part 2: Budget Analysis
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In this section, you will identify a specific healthcare market sector to analyze. For example, you may identify a hospital, a home for older adults, an urgent care center, a mental health facility, or any other health-related organization to analyze.
In the demographic site analysis, you should have previously identified unmet healthcare needs and opportunities for your geographic area. In this section of the paper, you will go into greater detail by choosing a specific healthcare department from the healthcare entity chosen to plan for your budgeting analysis.
In the budget analysis component, you should identify a specific department in a healthcare organization. You must prepare a budget for this particular department. You should reach out to your healthcare community and meet with a healthcare representative who can help identify some pertinent budgeting items for the departments. You may find it difficult to speak with healthcare representatives, but it is not required to complete this project. However, it is a good idea to make contact with these designated healthcare entities. The knowledge gained can be quite useful in preparation for your budget. You can use the textbook as a guide in creating your sample budget. In addition, scholarly sources such as journals, articles, business magazines, and the World Wide Web can be tools used in this process.
The key of this section is to get a glance of the role that a Health Information Manager plays in the healthcare organization. For example, a budget may include salaries, supplies, utility, and so forth. The Health Information Manager prepares a budget in order to maximize the organization’s resources.
You should use Excel to prepare a sample budget. In addition, you must write a short text component that explains the healthcare sector chosen, which department was used for budgeting, and an explanation or analysis of the budgeted items.
The length of the budget analysis component should be 500 to 1,000 words. You should cite all sources in APA style, both in-text and at the end of the document. You are required to have at least four sources to support your paper. One of the sources may be one of your course textbooks.
Part 3: Budgeting Plan
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In this final piece of your Course Project, you will develop a brief budgeting plan for your healthcare organization or department. In this section, you should:
1. identify the overall budgeting goals;
2. identify 3?5 specific budgeting objectives (these should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and have a time element); and
3. identify specific budgeting strategies for achieving the objectives and goals. This includes:
a. department strategies (what will your department gain?);
b. employee strategies (how will you maximize employee work output?); and
c. promotion strategies (how will you promote your budgeting tactics?).
4. You may also identify an action plan used for implementing your strategies (this typically identifies who will do what by when). Remember, the Health Information Manager is the key player.
The length of the budgeting plan component should be 800?1,600 words. You should cite all sources in APA style, both in-text and at the end of the document. You are required to have at least five sources to support your paper. One of these sources may be one of your course textbooks.
Final Submission
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Your completed research paper will simply bring together all three previous components and should incorporate any needed changes, based on suggestions from the instructor. You should also include an introduction to the paper, which previews the components, a conclusion to the paper, and a complete Reference Listing or Bibliography at the end. The total research paper should be 1,600?3,200 words in length with 12 or more references.
Grading Rubric
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Assignment Portion Points %
Part 1: Demographic Site Analysis 30 12.5%
Part 2: Budget Analysis 30 12.5%
Part 3: Budgeting Plan 30 12.5%
Final Submission 150 62.5%
Total 240

Best Practices
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Writing Style
The paper should represent your best professional writing and work. Pay careful attention to paragraphing, sentence structure, quotation conventions, spelling, punctuation, citation protocol, and other aspects of grammar. Remember to proofread, correcting any typing or printing errors. A direct quotation will be indicated by quotation marks (followed by the page number where the quote was taken from). Direct quotes longer than three lines are indicated by indenting the entire quote and typing it double-spaced (followed by the page number). Unless the style or manner of presentation of the information in the quote is important to the paper, the material should be substantially paraphrased, rather than quoted. You are reminded that the use of a direct quote or paraphrase without proper citation of the source of the material amounts to plagiarism.
All papers written for this course should follow the standards applicable in the business environment. This includes a business-appropriate writing style and no misspelled words or grammatical errors. Presentation and organization, although not as important as content, will impact your grade. Always write as if the reader is unfamiliar with the material you present.
Physical Preparation of the Paper
The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and have one inch margins all around. The font should be of legible size, no larger than 12 and no smaller than 10, and be in, preferably, Times New Roman style. Papers should include a separate title page that contains the student?s name, class, date, and paper title, as well as a separate works cited page (references) at the end to include the scholarly references used.
Submission Deadlines
All submission deadlines will be noted in the class Syllabus.
Citing Work in the Body of the Paper
This paper will be written using the latest publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). There are two steps in the APA style of documentation: (1) works are cited, in an abbreviated form, in the body of the paper, and (2) full information about all the works cited is in the text provided at the end of the paper in a section entitled "Reference Page."
A Check List and a Few Reminders
Did you remember to do the following?
? Proofread your paper.
? Use quotation marks (I hope you did not use many, if any, quotes) for any direct quote (complete with the page number where the quote was taken).
? Check to make sure that all sources used in the text match the reference page (including correct spelling of authors and dates).
? Review the reference page to insure that all sources are complete and in proper order (e.g. alphabetical by author?s last name).
? Number all pages.
? Write the cover page to include the following information:
o title of paper, your name, e-mail address, course title, Maryland University, and due date.
? Keep your paper gender neutral. Do not assume a masculine voice when writing; use "police officer" rather than "police man," and use he or she rather than he.
? Keep the tense the same throughout the paper. It should be in the past tense, such as "research revealed."
? Ensure that you have at least two complete sentences per paragraph. One sentence paragraphs are not accepted in formal writing.
? Never use a personal pronoun such as "I," "my," and so forth in your paper. You are not experts in the field. Although your opinion is encouraged during classroom discussion, it does not belong in a research paper.