Scope of the esssay witing you are among trustee of a new organisation looking to have your organisation registered with charity commission in United kingdom and your purpose and objective must be CHARITABLE PURPOSES CHARITABLE UNDER THE LAW OF ENGLAND AND WALES)

Note that the suporting guidance to the custom writing directed you to our published guidance in CC4 what makes a charity which includes a flowchart to explain ‘How the law decides what is a charitable purpose’.

In assessing your application we follow the framework set out on our website in ‘starting a charity’ and in Public benefit: the public benefit requirement (PB1) and Public benefit: running a charity (PB2).

With all reference and purpose must be charitable objectS CHARITABLE UNDER THE LAW OF ENGLAND AND WALES

a. Who your organisation is set up to benefit. (PB1 part 5)

b. How your organisation’s purpose is beneficial. (PB1 part 3)

c. Whether any detriment or harm might result from your organisation’s purpose. If so, describe this and explain how this will impact on the public and the people you benefit. (PB1 part 4)

d. Who will benefit personally from your organisation’s purpose? Describe who will benefit and how (PB1 part 6). Any personal benefits to trustees should be detailed in the trustee details section and any personal benefits to others in the personal benefit section.

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Links to our guidance on these questions can be accessed through the ‘i’ icon above


Carrying out your charity’s purpose for the public benefit  Help    Section Mandatory
Assessing how the organisation’s trustees will carry out the purposes for the public benefit. Charity trustees are required to operate their charity in accordance with the law and their charity’s purposes and that is explained in our guidance Public benefit: running a charity (PB2).To help us make our assessment please explain for each of your organisation’s purposes:
a. How will the trustees carry out the purpose? (PB2 parts 2, 3 and 5)

b. In carrying out the purpose, how will the trustees manage risks of harm to the public/beneficiaries? (PB2 part 4)

c. In carrying out the purpose, how will the trustees make decisions about who can benefit? (PB2 part 5)

d. In carrying out the purpose, how will the trustees ensure that personal benefits are no more than incidental? (PB2 part 6)

e. If the organisation has a membership, how will the trustees ensure that this is a suitable way of carrying out the purpose for the public benefit? (PB2 Annex A)

f. If the organisation will restrict physical access to its facilities, please explain how this helps to carry out the purpose for the public benefit and how the amount of access is appropriate. (PB2 Annex B)

g. If the organisation charges for its services and facilities, specify what these are and why the charges are made. If the trustees consider the organisation’s charges are more than the poor can afford, please explain what provision the organisation will make for the poor to benefit and how the trustees will ensure that the level of provision for the poor is more than minimal. (PB2 Annex C)

Links to our guidance on these questions can be accessed through the ‘i’ icon above

a Does anyone or any organisation receive a personal benefit from a connection with your organisation? Yes No Mandatory symbol
(Yes )
please explain who gains and how in the below:

b How will the award of the benefit contribute to the organisation achieving its purpose(s)?

c How will the other trustees manage the conflict of interest that arises from the personal benefit?