Care Presentation and Treatment Paper

Care Presentation and Treatment Paper

In this final paper, students will present a case of a hypothetical adult client who is suffering from a valid DSM-IV-TR mental disorder. Cases may be real, hypothetical, or a combination of the two. (Cases can be selected from films, tv shows, or books.) If real cases are used, students must take care to disguise any and all identifying information.
In the second half of this paper, paper will consist of providing a diagnosis and formulating a mock treatment plan for this client. This treatment plan should be supported by recent empirical studies (cite 3 sources supporting treatment decisions).
Papers will include the following sections:
Background history
Identifying Information (hypothetical only)
Reason for Referral
Presenting Problems

DSM-IV-TR Diagnosis
Include primary symptoms, 5-axis diagnosis, and rationale for diagnosis

Treatment Plan
Goals (long term)
Objectives (describes what will be accomplished in order to meet longer term goals)
Methods or Interventions
Estimated Length of Treatment
Outcome Measures (what measures you will use to assess client progress/outcome)

Self-Critique – This will include a brief paragraph in which the student discusses his or her own strengths and weaknesses in regard to treating the client that was presented in this paper. What skills do you possess that would help you be effective in treating such a client? What challenges might you face in treating this client? What types of ethical issues might you need to be concerned about with such a case? (Please note that first person may be used in this section, but the tone must still remain professional.).
Abstract: very brief
Introduction: the purpose/thesis statement of the paper must be the first sentence of the introduction
Summary: Provides a detailed description of a client and the issues faced, Describes the presenting problems, relevant information/referral, and assigns the appropriate DSM-IV-TR Multiaxial diagnosis (Axis I thru Axis V), Develops a treatment plan with treatment goals, objectives, methodology, and estimated length of treatment appropriate to the diagnoses, Identifies outcome measures that would be used to assess client progress and outcomes, Analyzes his or her own strengths and weaknesses in regard to treating the client presented in this paper, Identifies individual skills effective in treating the client, describes potential challenges, and identifies ethical issues that might be an issue or concern.
Conclusion: The restatement of the purpose/thesis statement followed by the concluding paragraph