Assisted suicide

Assisted suicide

Conduct the analysis on assisted suicide and a policy directed on the this subject matter, for example, the I-1000 passed in Oregon.

The paper’s requirements:

IV. Policy Analysis

This is the body of the policy brief. From the information you have garnered in the previous sections, you will draw some conclusions about the worthiness of the policy. Based on your now expert knowledge, address the following questions in a narrative format. The quality of your analysis will be impacted by your ability to: (1) read between the lines and under the surface of a policy; (2) assess hard evidence of its impact; and (3) critically analyze the research data you have collected in order to assess the extent to which the policy meets its goals (intentions) or how those intentions were thwarted during implementation, and how the policy after implementation impacted the lives of the target group it was intended to serve.

Policy Analysis–Your analysis will logically lead you to some conclusions that you will discuss in the next section on recommendations.


a. Discuss the legality of the stated goals of the policy. For example, in some policy readings, it is not uncommon to find opinions as to the constitutionality of adopted policies. Current examples include likely constitutional challenges to health care reform, Arizona’s immigration law, and same-sex marriage.

b. Discuss the adequacy between the stated policy goals and the social problem it is intended to address?

c. Discuss the equity of the policy. Who is included and excluded? How fair is this policy?

d. Discuss how the policy goals specifically: (1) contribute to an increased quality of life for the target population and the society; AND/OR (2) hinder the quality of life for the intended population and society in general.

e. What do you see as the underlying values reflected in the policy? To what extent are the underlying values consistent with a mission of social justice?

f. Describe where this policy resides in the political ideology context. What is/are the underlying political ideology/ies of this policy?

g. Who gets the greatest benefit politically, socially, economically from the successful implementation of this policy? Be sure to consider all stakeholders in your discussion, whose interests are best served by this policy?

h. Discuss any potential or realized unintended results (effects) that you perceive are related to the policy.

Political Feasibility

a. Who/what are the political actors (political party/ies, organizations, interest groups, institutions, agencies) that support and/or oppose the policy? Why? Who has the larger power base or resources and why do you think so?

b. What is the public’s response to the policy? How informed is the public? How do they perceive themselves to be affected by the policy?

c. Does the policy threaten or support the prevailing social values/norms? Describe how.

d. Describe how the policy is compatible or incompatible with the present social and political climate?

Economic Feasibility

a. What is the minimum level of funding needed for successful implementation of this policy? Consider that in addition to direct financial exchanges (income transfers, tax increases or cuts, marketing, program training and implementation, and policy enforcement).

b. Does the funding exist? If not, would the public support the allocation or reallocation of funds through tax increases or another funding mechanism? Through the discontinuation of another program? Other funding options?

c. Discuss and support your conclusions regarding economic feasibility.

d. What are the probable future funding needs to successfully implement the policy?

Administrative Feasibility

a. How effectively can the appointed agency/organization/department implement the policy? Do they possess the required skills, staff, resources and expertise?

b. How supportive or oppositional are the administration and staff to the policy? How likely are they to achieve the stated goals of the policy?

c. Is this designated agency the most appropriate for administering this policy? Discuss the strengths and limitations of the agency in implementing the policy effectively.

d. In your estimation how successful will the agency be in or has it been in delivering the needed benefits to the target population?
V. Social Work Implications

Comment on how this policy will directly and/or indirectly impact social workers and the populations we serve. To what extent are the social work values of self-determination, empowerment, inherent worth and dignity, and social justice present in this policy? This is the lens through which you should evaluate this policy and make recommendations. How would the social work profession utilize this policy in its work with clients and with communities?

VI. Recommendations

Recommendations should be made from a social work/social justice perspective. Based on your analysis of the policy, make at least three recommendations that in some manner support it, support it-with-modifications or oppose it. These recommendations can refer to any of the following: intent, funding, administration and /or any other aspect of policy analysis.