Article review is supposed to give your opinions on the issues addressed on an article. You opinion can either be supportive to the article or against the issues discussed in the articles. Before you write an article review it is advisable that you spare your time to go through the article that is to be reviewed. Read the whole content of the article to be reviewed and make sure that you note down all issues addressed. Carry out research on the various issues that are addressed in the article to prove their authenticity.
Make sure that you understand the topic of the article, issues addressed in the article, the author of the article, and the targeted audience of the article. Critically examine how the author addresses the topic of the article and come up with your own judgments. Rewrite on the topic of the articles using your own words. You can use the topics and subtopics of the original article to guide you when writing on the article review. Make your review as attractive and original as possible. Avoid the use of direct words from the original article in your review. For a complete guide of writing a superior article review make sure that you visit