American urban history

American urban history

Select a book about American urban history from the list. Read the book and be prepared to write 3 to 4 pages book review, discussing the topic of the book and the author’s perspective. You are encouraged to find others, not listed, that may pique your interest but it has to be about American urban history.

Keep it simple. I want this paper to be easy to read.
Carl Abbott, Portland in Three Centuries: Its People and Place (2011)
Carl Abbott, Greater Portland: Urban Life and Landscape in the Pacific Northwest (2001)
Carl Abbott, Portland: Planning, Politics, and Growth in a Twentieth-century City (1983)
Gideon Bosker & Lena Lencek, Frozen Music: A History of Portland Architecture (1985)
Jewel Lansing, Portland: People, Politics, and Power, 1851-2001 (2003)
E. Kimbark MacColl, The Growth of a City: Power and Politics in Portland, Oregon , 1915-1950 (1976)
E. Kimbark MacColl, The Shaping of a City: Business and Politics in Portland, Oregon 1885-1915 (1976)
Bart King, An Architectural Guidebook to Portland (2001)
O’Donnell, Terence, and Vaughan, Thomas, Portland: An Historical Sketch (1975)
Connie Ozawa, Editor, The Portland Edge: Challenges and Successes in Growing Communities (2004)
Portland author Eugene Snyder has written several books on early Portland.
Craig Wollner, The City Builders: One Hundred Years of Union Carpentry in Portland, Oregon (1990)
Craig Wollner, Electrifying Eden: Portland General Electric, 1889-1965 (1990)

The following books are divided into rough chronological order (some overlap)
Gunther Barth, City People: The Rise of Modern City Culture in Nineteenth Century America (1979)
Thomas Bender, Community & Social Change in America (1978)
Barbara Berg, The Remembered Gate: Origins of American Feminism — The Woman and the City, 1800-1860 (1978)
Ira Berlin and Ronald Hoffman, eds., Slavery and Freedom in the Age of the American Revolution (1983)
Henry Binford, The First Suburbs: Residential Communities on the Boston Periphery, 1815-1860 (1985)
Nancy Cott, The Bonds of Womanhood: ‘Women’s Sphere’ in New England, 1780-1835 (1971)
Paul Gilje, The Road to Mobocracy: Popular Disorder in New York City, 1763-1834 (1987)
Michael B. Katz, Micheal J. Doucet, and Mark J. Stern, The social organization of early industrial capitalism (1982)
Lewis Mumford, Roots of Contemporary American Architecture (1952)
Gary B. Nash, Red, White, and Black: The Peoples of Early America (1982)
Gary B. Nash, The Urban Crucible: Social Change, Political Consciousness and the Origins of the American Revolution (1979)
William D. Piersen, Black Yankees: The Development of an Afro-American Subculture in Eighteenth Century New England (1983)
John Reps, Town Planning in Frontier America (1969)
Moses Rischin, The Promised City: New York’s Jews 1870-1914 (1963)
David R. Roediger, The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class (1991)
Alexander Saxton, The Rise and Fall of the White Republic: Class Politics and Mass Culture in Nineteenth Century America (1990)
Christine Stansell, City of Women: The Female Laboring Poor in New York City, 1789-1860 (1986)
Graham Taylor, Satellite Cities, a Study of Industrial Suburbs (1915, reprint 1970)
Jon C. Teaford, The Unheralded Triumph: City Government in America, 1870-1900 (1984)
Laura Thatcher Ulrich, Good Wives: Images and Reality in the Lives of Women in Northern New England, 1650-1750 (1982)
James E. Vance, Jr., This Scene of Man: The Role and Structure of the City in the Geography of Western Civilization (1977)
Richard C. Wade, The Urban Frontier: 1790-1830 (1957)
Sam Bass Warner, Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Change in Boston, 1870-1900 (1962)
Sam Bass Warner, Jr., The Urban Wilderness: A History of the American City (1972)
Shane White, Somewhat more independent: The End of Slavery in New York City, 1770-1810 (1991)
Sean Wilentz, Chants democratic: New York City and the Rise of the American Working Class (1984)